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HG2: High Ground 2 (2022 Reprint)
High Ground 2 is a Battlepack that includes the best of the original High Ground™ release from Heat of Battle. From the original pack, the 2 unique map boards that make up the hill are included, and 7 of the original 8 scenarios have been updated. BFP has expanded on the original product with 9 more scenarios, two more challenging map boards depicting mountains with village terrain, and a specialized half-board castle overlay.
High Ground 2 includes the following:
Ownership of the following Advanced Squad Leader© components are required to play all of the included scenarios: Nationalities - Americans, Germans, Japanese, British, French, Russians, Italians, Allied Minors, and Axis Minors; Boards - 8, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 32, 33, 36, 37, 38, 44.
Ownership of the Bounding Fire Production© Product BFP3: Blood and Jungle is also required for some of the counters and nationality rules used in some scenarios.
Scenario Details
Scenario | Title | Combatants | Date |
HG-1 | Corniche Game | Italians vs. French | Jun 40 |
HG-2 | Konitsa Crackdown | Greeks vs. Italians | Nov 40 |
HG-3 | Cohort and the Phalanx | Greeks vs. Italians | Nov 40 |
HG-4 | Mount Istibei | Germs vs. Greeks | Apr 41 |
HG-5 | Tanks Take Rook | Germs vs. NZ | Apr 41 |
HG-6 | Damned at Demyansk | Russ vs. SS | Mar 42 |
HG-7 | Bonny Nouvelle | Brits vs. French | May 42 |
HG-8 | Peruns Thunder | Germ/Slov vs. Part | Aug 42 |
HG-9 | The Gifu | US vs. Jap | Jan 43 |
HG-10 | Stampede at Hill 253 | Germ vs. Russ | Jul 43 |
HG-11 | Skill in Khiliki | Russ vs. Germ | Feb 44 |
HG-12 | Bumps Along Tiddam Rd. | Brit vs. Jap | Mar 44 |
HG-13 | Tigers on the Hill | Germ vs. US | Sep 44 |
HG-14 | An Unfriendly Welcome | US vs. Germ | Dec 44 |
HG-15 | King Darges | Russ vs. Germ | Jan 45 |
HG-16 | Blood Brothers | Brit vs. INA | Feb 45 |